

Rosemary: benefits for the hair

 Rosemary: benefits for the hair


I learned to use Rosemary (which I used only when cooking) in my daily care from a beauty specialist based on natural products.

Rosemary is a kind of shrub, growing wild in the Mediterranean area, especially in rocky meadows and on limestone soils.

Fresh or dried, this seasoning herb is part of Mediterranean cuisine, as well as in several remedies for health problems (cough, infections, rheumatism, fatigue, etc.).

Rosemary is mainly composed of: Carbohydrates, dietary fibers, proteins, Lipids, Calcium , Copper , Iron , Magnesium , Manganese , Phosphorus , Potassium … Vitamin A , Vitamin B3 (or PP) , Vitamin C , Vitamin D

As for the health of different parts, rosemary is also beneficial for the hair: it is considerably “effective” in curing hair loss, as well as in stimulating healthy and faster regrowth.

Rosemary is also useful in eliminating dandruff by soothing the scalp.

Rosemary water:  

A “lotion” that you apply to your hair:

·        Either as a last rinse, after a shower or a bath;

·        Either using a bottle-spray, after – also – having washed your hair.

Prepare this “water” as follows:

·        In a bowl or a glass jar (heat resistant), put 2 good tablespoons of rosemary (fresh or dried): you can add 3 to 5 cloves as well as a bay leaf;

·        Bring the water to a boil;

·        Pour the latter into the bowl (or jar) mentioned above;

·        Cover;

·        Leave to infuse overnight in a dry, dark place;

·        Filter.

Rosemary oil:


How to use rosemary oil on hair?

·        Mix 1 teaspoon of pure rosemary oil with an oil, such as sesame or coconut oil, to dilute and avoid irritation;

·        Apply directly to the scalp;

·        Massage for a few minutes;

·        Cover your hair with cling film then a towel cap (or scarf);

·        Leave to act for – minimum – 3 hours, or why not overnight.

·        Wash hair as usual.

Take good care of yourself, ladies, even if it's once a week, that'll be enough. Nothing is better than having fun, especially with natural products… Thank you.

Madame MAMCHAOUI Djazila marries HAMIMED 


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