

Recipe: homemade breaded fish sticks -DIY -

 Recipe: homemade breaded fish sticks -DIY -   

I learned this recipe from our neighbor whom I called - aunt Khadidja -. A way - practical - to present good and nutritious salty, and also to use leftover cooked fish, to have something to garnish our table, for a dinner, an outing or a lunch. 

Many are people who don't like to eat chilled fried fish.

These breaded fish sticks can very well be served in the month of Ramadanthe month of fasting for Muslims ), as a variety of accompaniment to the soup, and as a "change" or an "addition", compared to the savory ones made with the leaves of brik (which one calls " bourak ").


Ø Ingredients: for 14 sticks

·     85g to 100g of White fish, crumbled and removed from the thorns (you can also use whiting or cod fillets)  ;

·     100g of fine semolina ;

·     1 egg ;

·     ¼ liter of fresh milk;

·     1 portion of processed cheese, or 50g of grated cheese (Gruyere, Parmesan, Cheddar…)  ;

·     1 handful of chopped parsley;

·     1 teaspoon of Salt;

·     Black pepper, cumin, ground fennel seed and garlic powder: ½ teaspoon of each

·     Oil for frying.

·     Flour ;

·     1 egg ;

·     2 tablespoons of milk;

·     Breadcrumbs.

Ø Preparation:

1.       Turn on the oven at 180 °;

2.       Using a blender arm (or a blender), chop the fish crumbs with the egg and cheese;

3.       In a bowl-salad bowl, put the mixture obtained above;

4.       Add the semolina, milk, parsley and then the spices;

5.       Mix everything with a whisk;

6.       Pour this preparation into an oiled 14 x 14 cm mold: a Maryse spatula will be very effective;

7.       Even out the surface well then bake for 20 minutes;

8.       After baking, take the mold out of the oven and let cool.

9.       Cut 2 X 7 cm sticks;

10.  In a skillet, heat the oil over medium heat;

11.  Pass each stick in the flour, then in the mixture [of egg and milk], and after, in the breadcrumbs;


12.  Fry on both sides to have a nice browning;

13.  Drain on paper towels.

Serve these breaded fish fingers with soup… and enjoy your meal.

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